Curso 2011 - 2012

CEIP EL MADROÑO Curso 2011 - 2012

Inglés: actividades de refuerzo

Topic 2: Classroom objects

Topic 2: classroom objects

Topic 2: Classroom objects listening

Topic 3: Learning how to read (aprender a leer)

Topic 4: emotions

Topic 4: Emotions

Topic 4: Verb to be and feelings

Verb to be and emotions

Topic 4

Topic 4 verb to be

topic 4: pronouns and verb to be

Topic 5: clothes. Haz parejas

Topic 5: Clothes: Viste al chico

Topic 5: Clothes, para los más arriesgados

Topic 5: Clothes: Uniformes

Topic 5: Clothes and colours

Topic 5: Clothes, ecuentra la definición

Topic 5: Clothes: sopa de letras

Topic 5: clothes, ahorcado

Topic 5: Clothes: concurso

Topic 5: Clothes; distintos juegos

Topic 5: What are they wearing?

Topic 5: Clothes, viste al oso

Topic 5: Clothes, test

Topic 5: seasons and clothes

Topic 5: weather and clothes

Topic 5: the simpsons

Topic 5: The weather

Topic 6: spell the cardinal numbers

Topic 6: cardinal numbers

Topic 6: Numbers. Match the ordinal and cardinal numbers.

Topic 6: Spell the ordinal numbers

Topic 6: ordinal numbers and snails

Topic 6: Order the ordinal and cardinal numbers.

Topic 6: numbers crossword

Topic 6: Months crossword

Topic 6: Ordinal numbers and fruits

Topic 6: days of the week crossword

Topic 6: Days of the week hangman

Topic 6: Months hangman

Topic 6: Ordinal numbers and months

Topic 6: calculate numbers

Topic 6: Numbers

Topic 6: ordinal numbers story

Topic 6: numbers, pizarra digital

Topic 6: order the ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers

Topic 6: ordinal numbers game

Topic 6: Months, days, ordinal numbers exam

Topic 6: Cardinal and ordinal numbers exam

Topic 6:tell the time

Topic 6: What time is it?

The hours

Topic 6: the time

Topic 7: Daily routines. Haz parejas

Topic 7: Pulsa en daily routines.

Topic 7: Daily routines evaluación

Topic 7: Daily routines juegos

Topic 7: Daily routines . Elige

Topic 7: Daily routines. Une

Topic 7: Possessive adjectives. Quién quiere ser millonario

Topic 7: Possessive adjectives

Topic 7: Possessive adjectives exam